Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tejas networks @PESIT

the paper consisted of two sections:
2)C programming
The papers were different for CS and EC students.EC guys had second section different.i.e they did not have C programming.

Our C programming section did not have options. There were 10 questions.
1)Write a c code to delete an element from a doubly linked list.
2)Write a non recursive program to calculated the GCD of two numbers.
3)What is the difference between char* a and char a[].
4)There are question on unions regarding the accessing of variables of a union.
5) Write a c code to sort a linked list
6)How do you declare an array of function pointers which inturn return character pointers

Aptitude also they had given sheets to work out. We had to explain our answers.Aptitude was easy and solvable. But the problems were kind of lengthy. Two classical problems were asked i.e the egg problem. Problems regarding the cisterns were also there.

They shortlisted 10 of them for the second round and they selected only 1.
There were 1 technical and HR interviews.
CS students were bombarded with network questions.Few were asked fourier transforms and all that stuff.For few it was simple

1 comment:

  1. pretty much the same story at RVCE... they selected only one
